
Posts Tagged ‘pepperoni’

circle pepperoni

I wanted to post pictures tonight but I can’t find my connector wire between the camera and the laptop.  I hope it’s at work.  Jonah was cute last weekend when my mom and I went down to visit him.  She brought a little package of pre-sliced pepperoni, which she told me was organic pepperoni.  (Sounds like an oxymoron to me).

Jonah asked for some by saying “circle pepperoni?” –which I loved.  There’s nothing cooler to me than when Jonah adds to his unique nomenclature.  Moneycoin.  Black soda.  Yummy green grapes.  Circle Pepperoni.

I don’t mind if Jonah gets treats once a week.  They keep the kids at the school on a special healthy dietician’s plan which definitely does not include circle pepperoni.  Jonah eats the healthy food, and vegetables, and salad, thank God and little baby Jason.  I’m looking forward to seeing him again Saturday morning.

I’m tired.  And pretty soon I’ll be up to my eyeballs in work.  The kind where you come home from regular work and sit down to work some more until you fall into bed, all tight and tired.  But I’m not complaining.  I might want a special needs trust for Jonah, and I hear tell it costs a lot just to pay a good lawyer to set one up.

I need to jump around a bit, go for a brisk winter walk, cook and read and visit more, and not just sit and write all the time.  But everything I’m doing right now in my life is something I want to be doing, and there’s something to be said for that.

It’s growing colder.  We’ve been spoiled so far this winter with wimpy, cool days with no snow and little wind.  Now things are starting to ramp up a little in the winter department.  Cold goes through me and gets into my bones…and yet I’m stuck to this area like glue.  Albany is my pretty little city and I love it here.

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